Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Full-Time Goals

Yesterday I started my full-time job, which seems crazy. Really. It was the first day in a long career. It was ridiculous to think about how many days of work I have left.

That being said, there are a lot of things I want to do now that I'm a 'grown up'. I felt that if I posted them here, I might be held accountable. So here it goes:

1. I want to make my bed every single day. Thanks to lofts in college, I got out of the habit. Now that I have my own bed, I'm going to do it every day. I started on July 2nd, and I've made it every morning since. Progress!

2. Wash my sheets and towels frequently. Again, something I didn't do in college that I need to do now.

3. Cook more often. Scrapbook more often. Spend time by myself more often. Doing things independently and taking care of myself by doing things I enjoy but tend to put off when social commitments arise.

4. Call Mom and Dad more frequently. Invite them to come visit me. Make trips home just because.

5. Say no to more things. I'm so bad at over-committing. I want to take a few months to figure out how I want to allocate my time. I've skipped Bible study, avoided fitness class (with the exception of Dance Jam), etc. I don't want to get stuck in a rut.

6. Use my sun shield and reusable bags more.

Gonna try to rock being an adult (while still having tons of fun!)

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