Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Musing of a run-down, beat-down, exhausted college student on Spring Break

The title sums up what this post is going to be about.  I am SO exhausted... this break could not have come at a more crucial time.  The week before Spring Break, I about 5 hours of sleep each night.  Looking back, I wonder how I even made it through that week... with lab reports, an exam, and homework.

I have never felt so run-down before.  Even when First-Year Honors Engineering programming homeworks (Post Activities, the formal name for torture) kept me awake until 2 a.m., I had easier weeks and less stress.  This semester, I tell myself every week that next week will be better.  When it isn't, I repeat that mantra, waiting for a week when I don't want to cry almost everyday.  I think about how much work I have... how much Psi stuff I have... how much I need to do to 'prepare for my future'... and it is overwhelming.

I made a pact with my sister.  We are both going to enjoy the rest of the semester.  My course-load won't get easier, my Psi stuff won't get less demanding... but I am going to deal with it better. I am going to sleep more, and honestly, I'm going to try harder to try less hard. I am going to take better care of myself (read: more nail polish, lotion, journaling, and time for myself).

I'm starting RIGHT NOW.  I am working to get a lot of my homework done for next week. I am not going to stress if I don't finish it, as I'll have time during the week, but I am getting a good start.  Each day, I finish a little more.  I am also getting caught up on Glee, blogging, and doing crossword puzzles. I practiced my clarinet for a little while yesterday, and today I went out for lunch with X-stine and Melissa, two of my H-town besties :)

I will go back to school energized, prepared, and motivated to finish the semester strong.  I will not let my stress affect my relationships, and I will invest more time in my friendships. I will go to church more and pray more... I will be better all around.  Here's to being better every day.