Monday, May 27, 2013

Long time, no see..

Sorry for the totally cliche blog title... I might be a little rusty at this Blogspot thing.  It's been too long.  School definitely consumes my life when I'm there for a semester.  But now I'm back in the great state of Texas (yee-haw) and loving it.

The first picture is what I wore on my first day of work.  I felt like a million dollars.  Seriously... that blazer. It has stars embroidered on it, and it is salmon-colored.  Could a jacket be any better?!?! I don't think so. The skirt cost less than $5 at Target, and it might be the most comfy skirt I've ever owned.  And then the heels elongate my frame and make my legs look kick-ass. At least I think so.  I was reading somewhere that we should play up our favorite body parts.  I like my legs, so I like to wear snazzy shoes and shorts/skirts.  

This weekend my friends and I traveled to San Antonio.  It was a fun trip, despite the fact that it rained most of the time we were there. Here is a group photo at the Japanese gardens.  Love these people.  Sometimes I love them so much it hurts.  But they constantly remind me how blessed I am!

Have a great Memorial Day all!  Take some time for yourself and chilllllll... you know you want to!