Sunday, October 28, 2012


My crew in the Osprey,
... are the best.  I love them.  They go way too quickly though, as I'm sure you know.  My weekend was crazy busy.  Saturday consisted of shopping, a soccer game, pumpkin carving, chicken-pot-pie-making, and a Halloween party.  Today was IHOP (yummmm) followed by the Wings Over Houston Air Show.  The air show was amazing!  I don't know the names of planes, and I can't tell you their history.  But I can appreciate the roar of the jet engines and the coordination of the Blue Angels.  And I can enjoy every minute of being with my fellow co-ops.  It amazes me that I never tire of being with them. 
The Blue Angels

And lastly, a shot of my new shoes.  I'm about to plan my outfit for tomorrow, which is definitely feature these babies. :)  Anyway, have a totes fantastic Monday! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

October skies...

Wow.  It's been more than a month since I last wrote, and of course, a lot has happened since then.  I've survived beach party, improved at rock climbing (but only when three of my experienced friends are there to coach me), ran a half marathon (13.1 miles... piece of cake, well, if you're Lis anyways), passed my specialist mastery (an oral exam) for my job... and so much more.  I can't believe how fast time flies... it amazes me that more than half of my second co-op tour is over.  I've resigned myself to just being present every day and enjoying every moment. :)   I loved going home to Iowa for a weekend, and when I was there, I felt like that was were I was supposed to be.  But when I came back to Houston, Sarah picked me up at the airport, and we went to Olive Garden for Kris's 21st birthday.  And sitting there, talking to my friends, laughing, and not caring that it was 10:45 p.m. and we had work the next, I realized that I also loved being in Houston.  How blessed am I that I really have three places I can call home?  Of course, where my family is will always be my true home... they're my greatest blessing <3  Lisa, Laura... if you're reading this, I love you!

Okay, I'm done being deep and philosophical. I've obtained lots of new clothes lately :)
Co-Op/Intern t-shirts... love it!

Front of new sweater I bought at Target for $9 on clearance :)

Back :)

Shorts for volleyball... they have Spandex (and funky Spandex) underneath

Cytennial t-shirt to commemorate Lisa being on the Cardinal Court :)

Shirts my family made for our half marathon.  Lisa, Laura, Mom, Nanny, Uncle Tom, Stephen, and I all did it together.

Shirt from the half marathon :)

Shirt from JC Penny's.
Who knew JC Penny's still had cute clothes?!?!  I was shocked, but the shirt above and the pink shorts were super cheap, and adorable!  I wore the Cytennial t-shirt last night to Capture the Flag, because it was actually chilly here in Houston.  Note the word choice of chilly and not cold.  It's in the fifties and windy, but I know it's probably colder back home :)