Sunday, June 24, 2012

 I wore two outfits lately that I thought were blog-worthy!  I went out on Thursday night with lots of friends, and I wore the outfit on the left.  I 'recycled' the shirt from earlier on in the week (okay, why dirty a new shirt when you wore a similar one for only a few hours last time?).  I love the skirt, but I've only worn it maybe 5 times maximum.  I've worn the flats many more times... they are comfortable and cute!

I didn't stay out too late on Thursday because I had class on Friday and a frisbee tournament yesterday. So I needed some sleep!  I wore the outfit at right on Friday.  The shirt ($10 from American Eagle) is so so so comfortable. The fabric is light and cool, and the fit is relaxed but not baggy.  My longer jean shorts kind of hide my 'thunder thighs' which I love when I'm running or playing frisbee but don't appreciate as much when I'm sitting in class in short shorts... runner's dilemma? Anyway, note the shoes again (I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THEM).  I wear them with no-show socks.

Fun thing about Friday: I talked to some incoming freshmen and their parents about co-oping, and I even met a kid from Dallas, Texas who is auditioning for the marching band!  I think meeting him made my day, and he and his mom were both excited to talk to me! I hope I made him even more excited about band!  I hope that I'll see him in the spring when the band goes to Ireland!

The frabric... doesn't it just look soft?!?!
Frisbee yesterday was fun, and I'm off to church now.  I'll be doing homework/other productive stuff for the rest of the day, so I wanted to squeeze this in now! 

Do something fun for yourself today!

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I was kind of a mess earlier this week internally, but I felt slightly better knowing that I looked in-control.  Isn't it amazing what fashion can do?  

I was a wreck because a.) my homework for both classes was due on Wednesday, b.) I spent 2.5 hours video chatting with my NASA besties and realized I missed them like crazy, and c.) I just haven't been able to get into the swing of things.

I decided to play in an Ultimate tournament up in South Bend on Saturday (I decided not to do Sunday because I want time to study/do homework/relax on Sunday).  Since I made that decision, I have been extremely motivated to do work and make the most of my time.  Yesterday I finished 6 out of 8 Structures homework problems due on Monday, washed/dried my sheets, went shopping at Walmart, attended Zumba and my PPA exec board meeting, and studied Ultimate plays for the tournament (my first mixed tournament)... all in addition to going to class.  

Today I woke up early to read through a chapter of Structures.  I should be studying for my thin-airfoil quiz at 2 p.m. today, but I can do that between classes.  I decided that I can be productive and relax at the same time by blogging, journaling, or reading (I'm storming through A Tale of Two Cities at the moment). 

My outfit choices... I wore a scarf and a black lace headband with a black fitted t-shirt and black sandals... however, due to the extreme heat (90 degrees--yuck), I ditched the scarf.  On Tuesday, I rocked khaki bermudas, a pink cami, denim button-up, and my new floral sneakers...  My outfit would not have been complete without my key necklace and sapphire earrings. 

Today I am being lazy... jean shorts, my Glory Days t-shirt, and my striped TOMS.  It's been a busy week though, so I'm forgiving myself.

I'm working on stressing less... so far, my plan has not been going well.  But I keep telling myself to breathe!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

"I love your skirt!"

That seemed to be the catchphrase of the day yesterday.  I wore a new skirt from Target (Merona!) and a matching Target shirt. I went to the finale of Purdue Energy Camp to see the kids I mentored give their presentations and then I went shopping.  For those escapades, I wore nude sandals... personally, I believe those are one of the best purchases I have ever made.  For Taste of Tippecanoe yesterday evening, I donned my cowboy boots. <3  Seriously, I feel fabulous strutting in my boots. According to my friend Mike, I looked 'very Texan'.  Yeehaw.  A young man almost ran me over (so many people), and then he turned around to say, "Love the boots." Awww yeah.  Which shoes do you like better?
Gah! I love my boots!

Anyways, I went with a great friend of mine, and we had a blast despite random rain showers.  Fortunately, the weather cleared up in time for fireworks.  The fireworks show was fantastic, and a radio station played popular music during the show... fun! My friend was texting a lot, and I thought of telling her to put her phone down and just be HERE. And then I realized that it didn't matter if she was enjoying it or not.  I was in the moment, present in the moment. And it didn't matter if anyone else was.  Maybe this is what growing up feels like.  Realizing that you can't control what other people do but that you can take charge of your life. I was feeling contemplative, but now I'm feeling productive. Time to get some work done... homework, laundry...  before I play Ultimate at 3 p.m. Enjoy your Sunday, and compliment someone today.  It will feel great!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

First Day Outfit

Yes, I still pick out a special outfit for my first day of a new semester.  Because it is just summer term, I chose something cute, comfy, and cool (temp-wise) for my back-to-school-but-I-was-already-at-school outfit.

I started with my shoe selection.  I just bought these sweet kicks from Target.  They're comfortable, make my legs look tan, and are easy to walk/bike in.  Win!  I next threw on jean shorts (some people hate shorts... but I think that in an Indiana June, it's impossible to live without them).  Simple does it in a forest green v-neck t-shirt.  Of course, I couldn't get by without a few of my favorite accessories: my white watch, my diamond earrings (okay, normally those would be pearls, not diamonds, but my cheap Walmart pair of pearl earrings broke after years of usage), and my star/moon ring.  Pulled my hair halfway back and I was ready to rock.

A quick note about classes: they went really well, and I remembered why I love Aero/Astro Engineering.  It may be difficult, but when I make the connections between a derivation and a formula, or a concept and what I know to be true in real life, I just feel so accomplished!  Here's to studying hard and rockin' this summer term.

Bah! I can't get over these!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fun patterns, textures, and jewelry...

Okay, so I need to work on brainstorming better titles for my blog posts. Anyway, I chose this title because the shirt I wore had a funky pattern, my shoes added awesome texture to my outfit (and were uber comfy), and my  bracelet was from Africa or Greece... I can't remember which.  It was a gift from my dear sister who traveled the world, and I love it!

I love this tribal print and
the embroidery!
Anyways, I have been lazy with my outfit choices, so I changed it up today.  I am going to be studying all afternoon for my Econ final tomorrow, so I'll keep it short.  Enjoy the pictures!

Headed home tomorrow for the second time in a month.  It feels good to be closer to my family, although 520 miles is still too far.  I'm blessed with a loving family who I want to stay close to!  Thankfully, they're very supportive of me whether I'm in Iowa, Indiana, or Texas. Hopefully you're blessed with wonderful family members or friends like mine :)  We need people like them in our lives!
Braided bracelet

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer ramblings...

This weekend has been a strange mix of sleep, productivity, and boredom.  I'm trying to get rid of the boredom part, replacing it with more productivity.  For example, today I went to church, went to Walmart for groceries and an anniversary card for my 'rents, put a price watch on flights from Houston to Omaha, and signed up for the Des Moines Half Marathon.  Signing up for the half has inspired me to run, so my goal is to run about 4 miles this evening. I need to get moving, and my legs/arms could use the sun.  I plan on studying for Econ before I run though.  I'm sitting in the basement of the Union (I can't FOCUS AT ALL in my apartment, especially with both of my roommates being hungover), and I'll plug away at Econ problems for at least an hour.  It seems strange to think that I started this class only three weeks ago and that I'll be done on Friday!  I need to focus this week though so I can finish strong.  Then it's on to my Aerospace classes... in a nerdy way, I'm excited.  I really DO LOVE engineering, and a semester of working at NASA has really motivated me to manage my studying better to try to actually LEARN something, instead of just cramming it into my brain.  My co-op was probably the PERFECT REFRESHER.  Bring it, summer term. 

Anyway, I've been thinking about over-arching goals for the summer, and here they are:
1. Read 5+ books (I've already read Catching Fire, Mockingjay, and The Prisoner of Zenda. I've started A Tale of Two Cities, so I've got a great start on this one).
2. Be able to run 8 miles by the end of summer.  I probably could go run 8 tonight, but I don't want to be an idiot about it. I want to work up to it. If I can run 8 and then 10 by the end of August, I should be in great shape for the half in October.
3. Scrapbook 4 pages.  Four doesn't seem like a lot, but I didn't get a single page done in Houston, and I'd love to actually organize some of the chaos that is my jumble of photos, stickers, and paper. 
4. Visit Amanda in Shipshewana. Firstly, because Amanda rocks and I miss her. Secondly, because Shipshewana rocks. 
5. Send Purdue postcards to Matt, Sarah, Mike, and Kirstyn. Who doesn't love receiving mail?!?! And who doesn't love surprising his/her friends?!?!
6. Call Laura at least once a month, maybe more.  I know she's working and will be taking a class, but I want to make more of an effort to talk to her.  I talk to Lis a lot more... but she also calls me.  Laura only calls me when Mom is buying each of us something that is on sale at American Eagle and wants to know which color I'd want. :)  Bahaha. 

Anyway, I think that is enough for goals.  I need to sleep, study, and relax this summer too.  I'm sure I'll be in Houston before I know it. :)  Which isn't necessarily bad. 

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.