Saturday, February 18, 2012

Weekly Outfit Debriefing

I just wanted to go through a quick description of my outfits for this week:

Black pants, my silver Oxford shoes, a navy tank top with silver studs under my grey sweater with rhinestones, pearl earrings, and my new white watch (be prepared, I wore this watch a freaking lot).

Tuesday (Valentine's Day)
Black cami, pink cardigan, pearl earrings, new skinny jeans from Charlotte Russe, my watch, and my striped TOMS.

Wednesday (lazy hump day):
Black cami under my purple v-neck, my straight-legged jeans, pink Converse low-tops, pearl earrings, and guess what... my watch!

Thursday (Hot Fire day):
My skinny Abbey Dawn jeans (yeah, the ones promoted by Avril Lavigne), a tan-and-black striped tank under my green, three-quartered length blazer, my brown riding boots, my KKY lavalier, and gold hoop earrings.

Friday ('nuff said):
Purdue Aeronautics and Astronautics polo, my favorite Levis, black Converse low-tops with gold laces, my watch, and pearl earrings.

I feel like I'm stuck in a fashion rut of jeans and nice tops, but they are acceptable for work... so I get sucked in. :)

Anyway, happy long weekend!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Not-so-lazy Sunday

Can you believe last Sunday was the Super Bowl?!?! It seems like so much has happened since then.  Time is flying by so quickly!

Anyway, I went shopping yesterday, and despite seeing tons and tons of things I liked (and even tried on) at Forever 21, I only left with a pair of Refuge jeans from Charlotte Russe and a headwrap thing from Forever 21. Yay for self-restraint.  I just feel as though I'm spending WAY TOO MUCH MONEY here.  The boots were an investment, so I don't feel guilty about those.  However, eating out all the time makes me feel unhealthy and wasteful.  So I have grilled hamburgers for dinner the past two nights and am still packing my lunch everyday.  I've been spending more money on groceries, but it is definitely cheaper than eating out every night.

Today is the co-op Valentine's Day party at 3 p.m. outdoors.  It is going to be cold, as it is 34 degrees right now. Brrrrr.... I volunteered to bring cupcakes, so I woke up at 7:20 a.m. to bake cupcakes.  It's kind of nice have time to do that before church (we leave around 10:10 a.m.).  I find that I'm really enjoying baking.  It is something I didn't do much of before because I never had time.  Though Pinterest is inspiring me to be more creative, I'm still working out of Pillsbury mixes.  My cupcakes look more like muffins because I fill the cupcake liners too full, but I bet they still taste good! Nobody better complain or even comment because then I will just take them home and enjoy them myself!

Topic change: things I don't like about Texas.  1. My wifi sucks!  I hate that I can't Skype or download iTunes music.  2. Getting to do laundry only on weekends.  I HAVE to do laundry tonight.  I'm running out of jeans, workout clothes, and underwear.  3. Traffic. Sometimes driving two miles takes 45 minutes. For real. Darn traffic lights.

That's all for now.  Need to go check on my cupcake-muffins. :)

Friday, February 10, 2012

The boots are made for walkin'

So this post is dedicated solely (see what I did there?) to my new boots!  Purchased from Cavender's Boot City for $250.  I wore them to work today and felt like a boss.  There is something about boots that just put a little swag in my step.  I'm going to keep a tally of how many times I wear them to see how much they cost me per wear!

Here are some pics so you can see the details!
Work outfit! :)

Worth every freakin' penny

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I've been shopping at Target lately for things for my boyfriend's Valentine's Day package, and every time I go I think, "I NEED NEW CLOTHES."  Which actually is kind of true.  I am going probably Monday night to Kohl's or the mall to buy new dark skinny/bootcut jeans.  Nice jeans that I could wear to work and for hanging out.  I hope to find two pairs that I love. I plan on wearing TOMS so I can see how they look with the jeans. I only brought 5 pairs of jeans with me, but one pair is super duper skinny (basically leggings, so a no-go for work), the other pair has a hole in the butt, and the other 3 are flared.  So I'm getting kind of desperate.  Plus my landlady only lets me do laundry on weekends, which are my fun free days, so I have probably worn some of those pairs 3 times already.  I actually plan on doing some laundry (sports bras, t-shirts, socks) by hand right after church.

Wednesday is boot-shopping day.  A group of us girls is going to Cavender's, a boot shop right off NASA 1.  Can't wait.  Look for pics to come.

Last but not least, I think I'm going to buy this cute flowy top I saw at Target.  I could definitely wear it to work and out dancing or even with sandals to the beach.  The thing about Target is that it sucks me in... I want to buy everything!

Anyway, my fashion challenge to myself for February:
1. Wear my cowboy boots at least 3 times
2. Rock the jeggings (I can't believe I haven't worn them. I've even been working out a lot and feel great about my body right now...)
3. Try at least one new hairstyle a week. This is hard because I go to Spin in the morning so I'm getting ready for work in a locker room.  However, Tuesday isn't a spin-class-type-of-morning (simply because they only offer it at 6:30 a.m. instead of 5:45 a.m.), so that can be my experimental day.

Gotta go pick out something cute for church and the Super Bowl.