Friday, April 18, 2014

10 Days of Classes Left

Yesterday hit me hard. We finished our senior design presentation (after weeks and weeks of meetings, struggles with MATLAB, and good times with teammates) and headed to Harry's for lunch. I realized that in a few weeks, these people who I learned with, grew with, and struggled with won't be around any more. It will be time to grow with different people. 

I felt kind of sad as I thought that maybe I should have spent more time with people, but then I realized that now is not the time for regrets. Now is the time to enjoy these final days and cherish the moments. I worked my ass off for years to get to the point I am at now. I need to finish in stride. 

Here are some pictures from my recent escapades with Ultimate and senior design!
Crazy teammates!

Love these ladies.

So legit. 

My cheering squad.

Senior design lovelies!
Carpe diem, y'all! Make the most of every day.