Saturday, June 8, 2013

Choosing Happiness

So lately things have been kind of sucky.  But I'm determined to turn it around, and these past two days have been GREAT.  Like feel-good-about-life kind of days. 

What I've been trying to do is do things that make me happy... like read that book that Lucas recommended ("The Name of the Wind") and paint my nails. I feel really happy when I'm either a.) working out, b.) spending time with my friends, and c.) investing in my relationships.  For c.) I mean things like what I'm about to do: go buy my dad a Father's Day card.  I like sending mail and texting friends who are far away.  I feel great when I make other people happy.  So I am trying to spend less time focusing on myself and spend more time lifting others up.  

This morning was spent with friends.  A Mud Maxx run followed by brunch at a classy restaurant in Houston with the buds. We went to Benjy's for brunch, and then we stopped by Crave Cupcakes.  I was too full to get a cupcake to eat there, but I enjoyed a third of this cupcake later in the afternoon.  See pictures. 

The group... showing off our muddy muscles :)

Shirt and dog tag!  I like the colors.  Also, shirts: the best part of races.
Even the box is cute!

Chocolate Coconut. Om nom.