Sunday, November 4, 2012

Rainy Sundays

It's warm (in the 70s) and rainy today.  I think that factored into the difficulty I had dragging myself out of bed... I slept close to 8.5 hours and just wanted to keep sleeping.  I wanted to get up to blog, read PostSecret, email my roomie at college (she sent me a Halloween card), and download T-Swift songs :) before church at 10:30 a.m.  I also need to vacuum and wash my dishes before volunteering at a nursing home at 1:30 p.m.

Last night, a group of us went to see Cloud Atlas.  I honestly did not like it.  There were excessive amounts of murder and too many time/place jumps.  I got frustrated that I couldn't watch good portions of the money because I was covering my face.  Ugh.  And then my stomach actually felt upset after the movie!  What a waste of 10 dollars and 3 hours. 

Okay, I'm doing bitching now.  I'm just getting nervous because I only have five weeks of work left... five more weekends in Houston.  It makes me feel panicky.  Like if I'm not enjoying every minute of every day, I'm wasting my time.  And it also frustrates me that nothing is happening between me and this guy I like.  We're running out of time... 

Friday night on the other hand was a blast!  We went country dancing, and Chris and Lucas joined us!  They were both good at two-stepping and polka-ing :)  And then the pop songs came on and we rocked it.  Also, Footloose.  Love that line dance. 
Portia, me, Kris, and Sarah... love these ladies!
Carpe diem!