Thursday, February 10, 2011

More Fashion

Time to dish on a few of my favorite fashion trends!  Though first I'd like to talk about my outfit today... I woke up and thought, 'I want to wear a scarf today.'  So I planned my outfit around a scarf... crazy, right?  I wore flare jeans (are those even "in" anymore?), a grey-and-white horizontally striped camisole, my navy blue zip-up hoodie layered under my black and white jacket (with bright white buttons), pink Chucks with grey socks, and my bright blue scarf.  I wasn't even sure if I matched, but I liked the crazy layered feel.  However, I wore it with confidence... and I even got a few compliments.  Becca, one of my tenor sax rookies (love her!), wanted to talk to me about KKY stuff, but first she told me I looked cute.  WIN :)  It's strange how one compliment makes me so happy.  Resolution: give out more compliments.  More than I already give.

Anyway, here are my fashion "staples", "must-haves", etc:
1.) Pearl earrings.
>>>I wear mine probably every third day, interspersed with my sapphire studs and diamond earrings. Pearls are so elegant, but you can wear them with a t-shirt and jeans and not look weird. I buy cheap ones at Wally-World and replace them when necessary :)

2.) Boots
>>>My favorite pair is a tie between my pink suede slouch boots and my brown faux-leather "riding" boots.  Both look fantastic with skinny or boyfriend jeans.  I like to wear the pink ones with all my grey sweaters, and my brown ones look good with thing that have hints of off-white or brown in them.  I am trying to be more adventurous (okay, I actually just left my black dress pants at home), so one day I wore a strapless floral sundress (yes, I know it's summer), a green faux-leather jacket, black leggings, and my pink boots. I felt like I looked a little weird, but I also felt a strange sense of exhilaration in doing something different.  I have some good ideas for spring outfits with boots, but sadly, the temperature was -8 degrees today... so they'll have to stay in my closet for now.

3.) Scarves
>>>Enough said, right?  I don't wear mine as often as I should... I'm working on that.  :)

That's all for now... this fashionista has a 7:30 a.m. Thermo class tomorrow.