Saturday, January 28, 2012

More on my wish list and fashion

I keep thinking of things I want!

1. More jeans.  Dark, skinny jeans.  One of the co-ops was talking about "mom jeans", and I realized that some of my jeans are pushing that boundary.  Like my light, slightly flared Aeropostale jeans.  Definitely borderline right there. I think dark, skinny jeans would be great for work and with my TOMS.  TOMS look alright with flared jeans (like I LOVE MY LEVIS) but they kick @$$ with skinnies.
2. A Flip camera.  My twin sister has one, and it's too cute.  Plus it takes awesome videos!
3. More nail polish.  I was thinking mauve, coffee-colored, and a burnt orange. Mature enough for work.

I caved and wore jeans to work this week, but only after rockin' a pencil skirt one day.  Also, I wore my pink NASA t-shirt to the Houston Rockets game last night.  Way fun :)

About to go bake cupcakes with the girls for Todd's birthday! Surprise :)  Anyway, I need to go pick out what I'm wearing today, so later gator :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Go, Go, Go, Crash

Since Tuesday, it's basically been going and going and going... and going.  I was so tired last night that when Sid asked if we wanted to leave (we carpooled with Sarah and Matt), I was thankful to go... not that I wasn't having fun, it was just that I was exhausted.  Hence why I slept until 10 a.m. today...

Anyway, I have just a few pictures that I'd like to share.  The first two are outfits I wore to work.  Surprisingly, I always am over-dressed... I just can't bring myself to wear jeans, polos, and tennis shoes to work!
Rocking the green jacket!

Purdue Aeronautics/Astonautics... school pride, baby!

Kemah Boardwalk at night :)

Smiley face truffle!

Last night we explored the Kemah Boardwalk between dinner and the party! I loved the lights, the water, and the candy shop, where I purchased this ridiculously priced truffle.  It had better taste good :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

*dream* shopping list

If I had all the money in the world (okay, if I just wanted to spend all the money I'm going to make...), here are the things I would buy:

1. A denim button-up shirt.  Okay... I may get one after I get my first paycheck (ka-ching).
2. TOMS flats, TOMS cordones, and TOMS corduroy classics (in pink or red, probably pink).  Can you see what I did here?!?  I love TOMS. So so so comfy.  I wore one pair of mine today! I already signed up to get an email notification when the new TOMS flats are available... win!
Camel Wool Women's Cordones hero

3. More Sizzix die-cuts for my pink Sizzix machine. I would love some different fonts for letters, a music note one, and some random shapes just for funsies.
4. Sperrys. I caved. My little sister got some for Christmas, and they actually were cute. Very cute.
5. COWGIRL BOOTS.  This is actually a must-buy for me. I'm in Texas, so I find that justifiable. :)
6. 10 boxes of Market Pantry's (you know, the Target food brand) mint chip ice cream sandwiches. Yum. Fact: I'm enjoying one right now ;)

Sunday, January 15, 2012

My Crib

Ah!  My first time living solo.  I thought I'd be lonely, but that hasn't set in yet (thank goodness).  Let me enumerate the things I LOVE most about my apartment!

1. The four windows.  It's only mildly sunny and I don't have a single light turned on.
2. My bed (comfy, quiet)
3. The shower (nice and hot, and the water pressure is perfecto!)
4. My couches.  For one thing, they match.  Secondly, they are very, very comfy.
5. Location.  I go running in the subdivision (which is super nice, btw.  Big brick houses everywhere!) but outside my bedroom window is a major highway and railroad tracks.  So I don't feel isolated but I feel safe :)

Some pics of the place--filled with my stuff of course!
My kitchen
Love the colors of my Vera Bradley backpack and my lamp!
Living room :)
 Forgive me for the awkward spacing... I gave up trying to position the photos...

Giant closet... shoe love = true love 

Bathroom... haha

Saturday, January 14, 2012

More nerdy... less fabulous

As I settle into my new apartment (holla!) and get used to the big city (woot!), I may blog a bit more about my surroundings and experiences as opposed to my fashion choices.  But a quick description of what I wore yesterday to do the Space Center Houston tour...  my favorite jeans: dark, slightly flared Levi's. I wore them with a black Aeropostale cami, a pale purple American Eagle cardigan, my grey-and-black striped TOMS, my key necklace, pearl earrings, and... my new deep purple trenchcoat!  Ahhhhh. I loved it. Trenchcoats are not only shape-flattering (with the tie around the waist), but in a cute color like purple they pack a punch.  The girl narrating the tram tour even complimented me on it... :)

Anyway, my apartment is bigger than I expected, and after Mom, Dad, and I (okay, mostly Mom and Dad) vacuumed and scrubbed (I unpacked), it looked great.  It's bright (with 4 windows) and in a very nice, protected neighborhood. As I'm typing this, I'm sitting at my own table, drinking a cappuccino, and wearing my pajamas still.  Just like in college, but with no classes to worry about.

I have a few errands to run today, but then it will be scrapbooking, Skyping, and chatting with my twinsie on our matching Droid Razrs. :)  Ah the life.  I also plan on taking some pics of the apartment and uploading my pics from yesterday to Facebook.  

Loving life, and loving Texas. :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Work time!

Yesterday my mom, sisters, and I attached West Roads Mall, Target, and Kohl's, on the prowl for great clothes for work and necessary items for my apartment.  This will be my first time living on my own, so naturally we forgot a few things like a new lunch bag, toaster, etc. I think Mom is already making another shopping list.  On the clothes side of things, I got a haul!  I was looking for nicer blouses and jackets, and I managed to use lots of my giftcards from Christmas (always a plus!).

Take a look at the new additions to my 'professional' wardrobe:

 The yellow top is a nice blouse from New York & Co.  I plan to wear it under a black suit or tucked into a black pencil skirt.  The lace jacket is from Forever 21.  Lace is gonna be huge this spring, and I would love to find a tan pencil skirt or a rose-colored dress to wear with it.   The big black belt was super cheap--less than $5 at Forever 21.  Will look great over a dress (that I WILL own but don't at the moment) or clinching my pencil shirt.

The red blouse is from Express, and I will probably rock it on my first day of work!  The red is bold, but the fabric is sleek and the fit is superb.  Perfect for making a great impression. 

The green jacket is a personal fave: it's bright and will look great with black slacks.  Also, I can, to quote my mom, 'dress it up or down'.  Throw this jacket on with black jeggings and sandals or use it to dress up dark jeans for a nicer dinner.  Bought this steal at Forever 21.   Classy!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Howdy, Partner!

In less than a week (eek!), I'm heading to the great state of Texas for my first session of a co-op.  Which means that this weekend will be filled with shopping for things for my apartment and clothes for work/fun.  

I'm rather excited about the prospect of living somewhere slightly warmer, as I've been a Midwestern girl (born and raised).  I got to pack my sandals, tank tops, and bermuda shorts already!  On my upcoming shopping trip with my mom and my sisters, I'd like to buy a new swimsuit!  I'm actually going to look for a cute, sexy one-piece though.  Here are some cute ideas for one-piece suits:
You can find the black one at Target and the red one at Victoria Secret.  Personally, I LOVE the ruched style and the halter neckline... too cute!  Is it hard to find cute swimsuits in January? I don't even know.  

Anyway, I've also been contemplating buying a new pair of TOMS, but I just cleaned out my shoe closet and, despite throwing away about 10 pairs and sending 5 pairs to Goodwill, I probably have 60 left.  Note to self: don't need shoes! 

That's all for now, but y'all come back now!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years

Holla! It's now 2012, but I have yet to make any resolutions (updating my blog more might be one of them!).

Anyway, my newest fashion obsession, is... drumroll please... PINTEREST! Seriously, there are so many great fashion ideas floating out there plus DIY ideas for accessories. Anyway, check out the site for great ideas, and stayed tuned for another post soon!