Monday, February 16, 2015

Adult Life

I started my full-time job seven months ago... where has the time? I feel like I'm getting complete settled in, but some days/weeks are still overwhelming. Thank goodness for 3-day weekends. With today's holiday, I feel like I have some time to catch up. I got up early (it helps me wake up earlier on days when I DO have to wake up for work) and got down to business... laundry, ironing, dish-washing. I also took time to do things I wanted... painting my nails and reading my Bible. I did all of this in my pjs while drinking coffee.

Some things I've noticed that I make me feel like a real adult:
-I take out my recyclables frequently. I did NOT do this in college... I'd let them pile up until I couldn't handle it anymore. I feel way more in control when I recycle them before they get overwhelming.
-I wash my towels and sheets frequently. At least every other week. It helps that I have a washer and dryer all to myself (as opposed to sharing with my three roommates last year).
-I don't wear my clothes more than once. Of course, there are exceptions: jeans, khakis, jeggings, some dresses. But I wear a shirt to work, and then I wash it. Again, I think this is a result of having my own washer and dryer. I used to feel like I had to save clothes. Now I HAVE to have clean clothes.
-I actually use my iron and ironing board... those slacks don't press themselves.
-I make decisions without my parents' input (sometimes). I still value their opinions and frequently ask for advice, but the other day I bought a ticket to St. Louis for my friends' wedding. Without consulting my mom first.
-I like to be in bed early and read. I never made time for reading in college. Now I can't get enough... space books, classics, cheesy teen novels. My friends are trying to convince me to read Game of Thrones... so that is now on my list.
-I use Facebook and Twitter less. Still obsessed with Tumblr and Instagram, but I spend less time in general on social media. Which means I spend more time on work, being with friends, exercising, reading. All good things :)

Anyways, I'm going to enjoy the rest of my day off with a trip to the mall and a coffee shop downtown before meeting up with Amanda for dinner. Happy Monday, y'all!

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